© UNHCR/Antoine Tardy


The Global Task Force on Third Country Education Pathways (GTF) is committed to sharing resources and guidance materials to raise awareness on complementary education pathways and support the expansion and creation of higher education pathway programmes.

Recordings of the Global Task Force’s Virtual Sessions on Complementary Education Pathways

GTF Virtual Session: Introduction on Complementary Education Pathways

This session provides an introduction on complementary education pathways, explaining what complementary education pathways are, why they matter, and how higher education institutions and other stakeholders can get involved.

GTF Virtual Session: From Application to University Admission

This session discusses topics around the application and university admission process, including defining eligibility criteria, designing an accessible application, best practices for outreach, and the evaluation of academic and language qualifications.

GTF Virtual Session: Creating Durable Solutions for Refugee Students

This session provides guidance on questions around visa and entry requirements, travel and safe passage, legal status during and post-studies, and the importance of safeguarding and protection mechanisms in the receiving country.

GTF Virtual Session: Setting Students Up for Success

This session discusses good practices in ensuring student retention and success, pre-arrival orientations, inclusion on campus after student arrival, academic support, and providing students with a path to employment.

 If you are a refugee student looking for higher education opportunities or interested in exploring existing education pathway initiatives, please refer to the UNHCR Opportunities Platform.